Our Story

Empowering you to dream big and live life at your highest vibration with the power of crystals, hair accessories & jewelry.

We believe that life is a party and our mission is simple:

To radiate the joys and happiness of life into the world.

Life is too short to not live to the fullest and to live vibrantly and happily. Each of us have a unique light to share in the world. Our mission is for you to live your light, dream big, live large and always see the magic in life.
"A joyful heart is good medicine"
Proverbs 17:22 
The passion started over 16 years ago at a small-town farmer's market in Wisconsin. Today, we are selling worldwide to all who share the joy of life and its sweetest moments. That's why our jewels make you sparkle your most at music festivals, parties, weddings and more.
We love the beautiful sparkle that these nature-made pieces give and are sure to give your jewelry the ultimate glow up! I truly hope you enjoy!
